Elk Grove Village Electoral Board members held their first hearing Monday morning (Dec. 2) over an objection filed against the nominating petitions of village trustee candidate Jacob Glimco to appear on the April 1, 2025 election ballot by fellow trustee candidate Keith Lasken.
After a review of the rules at the hearing, Lasken detailed his objections. The attorney for Elk Grove Village assigned to the hearing by the village, Tiffany Nelson-Jaworski, said she forwarded the petitions to the Cook County Clerk's Office late Tuesday, requesting the clerk's office conduct a signature examination to help determine which signatures were valid or not.
Village Clerk Lori Murphy said the next tentative date for the Elk Grove Village Electoral Board to reconvene to continue the case was set for 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 11, after the signature examination is expected to be completed.
To appear on the Tuesday, April 1, 2025, municipal election ballot, candidates running for Elk Grove trustee must submit nominating petitions with no less than 194 valid signatures of registered voters living within the village and not more than 310 petition signatures.
Lasken's objection claims 24 of the 199 petition signatures Glimco said he filed are invalid, which would leave 175 valid signatures, fewer than needed to appear on the ballot.
Lasken claims 15 of Glimco's petition signatures are not genuine, seven were signed by people whose address does not match their voter registration, one lives outside the corporate limits of the village, and one signed all four candidates' nominating petitions.
Those signing petitions may only sign petitions for three candidates running for three open seats. In this election, four candidates are running for three village board seats. If a petition signer signs all four candidates' petitions, they are invalid.
"I believe all the signatures are genuine and I have enough evidence to stay on the ballot," Glimco said, adding he collected 199 signatures.
The electoral board in Elk Grove Village consists, by law, of Mayor Craig Johnson, Village Clerk Murphy, and the most senior Village Trustee Chris Prochno.