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Tip-A-Cop events start Dec. 7

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From Tooele Transcript Bulletin

Tip-A-Cop events start Dec. 7

Tooele City Police Detective Josh Cuirtis serves up a plate of food for Tip a Cop at Jim's Family Restaurant in December 2023.

In an effort to raise money for the Shop with a Cop program, officers in Tooele and Grantsville Cities will host several Tip-A-Cop events over the next two weeks where officers will wait on tables, serve food, and engage with community members.

The first Tip-A-Cop event will take place at the Outpost on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 8 a.m. to noon. Those interested in donating to the Shop with a Cop program may dine in or order takeout and leave a tip for officers participating in the event.

The Tooele City Police Department will host their Tip-A-Cop event on Thursday, Dec. 12, from 5-9 p.m. at Jim's Family Restaurant, located at 281 N. Main Street, in Tooele City.

Another Tip-A-Cop event will be held in Grantsville City at Canton City from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13.

This year's Shop with a Cop event will be held on Dec. 21. During the event, officers from Tooele County and children, whose parents applied for the program, will visit the Tooele Walmart, where they will shop with officers for various items and Christmas presents. Items selected will include coats, shoes, clothes, and toys.

Last year, around $150-200 was spent on each child, and more than 25 children participated in the program.

"This is a really great program that helps the officers as much as it helps the families," said Det. Bobby Bassett with the Grantsville City Police Department.

Those interested in donating to the program in lieu of attending a Tip-A-Cop event may visit the Tooele City Police Department's Facebook page for a Venmo QR code to scan.

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