Newark, NJ, Dec. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STV, a leading professional services firm that plans, designs and manages infrastructure projects across North America, today announced Amtrak selected Sawtooth Partners, its joint venture led by AECOM, to provide project management and construction management (PM/CM) services for the Sawtooth Bridges Replacement Project. The joint venture will modernize the most congested 10-mile section of the Northeast Corridor (NEC) by doubling track capacity, increasing speeds from 60 mph to 90 mph and improving operational reliability by addressing state of good repair needs.
A key component of the Gateway Program, the Sawtooth project is bordered to the north on the NEC by the planned Harrison 4th Track project and to the south by the Portal North Bridge (PNB) project, which is in active construction. The Sawtooth Bridges were originally constructed in 1907 and today support more than 400 daily trains operated by Amtrak and NJ TRANSIT over tracks used by NJ TRANSIT, PATH and Conrail freight trains. The project will include construction of three new bridges along a 1.9-mile corridor in Kearny, New Jersey, between Newark Penn Station and Secaucus Junction.
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