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Hickory Valley tree again delights and more letters to the editors | Chattanooga Times Free Press

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Hickory Valley tree again delights and more letters to the editors | Chattanooga Times Free Press

Hickory Valley tree again delights

From this grateful heart to the Secret Santa who has once again graced us with another lovely Christmas tree near the railroad tracks on Hickory Valley Road: Such an unusual place for this beautiful display that reminds us that this season is filled with treasure if we only look up.

Thank you for your selfless kindness. Have a very merry Christmas.

Libby Simons


Editorial uses wrong standard

The Times editorial on Dec. 20 on the pizzeria judges the motives of the owners of this pizza restaurant and labels their beliefs as old-fashioned bigotry.

The editorial writer implies that the owners' actions are motivated by that bigotry and not by their beliefs. If, because of their beliefs, they were not willing to cater a celebration of a heterosexual couple's divorce, would you still judge that bigotry rather than beliefs? What about an event to celebrate the murder of an insurance CEO? Or perhaps a celebration of the termination of an unwanted pregnancy? What about a death row execution? Are there any events that would be unacceptable?

The owners are not reported to have refused standard service to a person of whatever sexual or gender orientation, but rather for an event that is contrary to their personal convictions.

Beliefs can certainly be erroneous and misused, as you noted with our dismal racial history. Please acknowledge that you are using your own belief system as the standard which is to be applied.

M.A. Milbank

Lookout Mountain, Georgia

What is pizzeria's bigotry standard?

I was saddened to see Pizza Cortile espousing bigotry while doing business in Red Bank. When you obtain a business license, it should come with the understanding that you must provide service to all that are willing to pay for a service.

Any financial institution that is funding a bigoted business should be aware of this behavior as well and expect repercussions.

It makes me want to know how Pizza Cortile applies its bigotry. Do they sell food to gay people if they order at the facility? Do they discriminate against other "non-Christian" behavior, say people with tattoos? Do they sell to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or Jews? What is their "Christian" view of people with dark skin, as the Bible was used to justify discrimination and slavery in the past? I hope Pizza Cortile will provide the specific level of bigotry and hate to allow all to make an informed dining decision.

Michael Smith

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