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10 yoga poses you can do sitting in a chair

From Yahoo

10 yoga poses you can do sitting in a chair

Chair yoga is gentle version of yoga that can be done entirely seated, while still getting all of the benefits of traditional yoga. Most yoga poses can be performed on a chair, or you can stand while using the chair for balance and support.

It's a great option for people who have limited mobility or conditions that don't allow them to practice on a yoga mat, since the chair yoga exercises follow the same principles as traditional yoga.

The poses stretch and strengthen many of the same muscles, and the breath work is based on traditional pranayama, which prepares the mind for meditation.

Chair yoga exercises can build strength, increase flexibility, improve concentration, and help you feel less stressed or anxious.

Chair yoga can be especially beneficial for older adults to build muscle and maintain upper and lower body strength, according to a recent review. Another study followed adults in a retirement community for 12 weeks and found that those who practiced chair yoga twice a week had better lower-body flexibility and balance, less fear of falling and more confidence in their physical abilities.

But no matter their age, everyone can find benefit from chair yoga. Especially if you sit all day at work, it can help prevent poor posture and is a great option to avoid tension and pain from sitting in the same position. One study even found that chair yoga done at the office can reduce stress.

Try these 10 chair yoga poses that you can do just about anywhere.

Plant your feet on the floor as wide as your hips and place your hands on your knees. Inhale and arch your upper back while looking up. Be sure to keep the shoulders down. Then, exhale as you round your spine and drop your chin to your chest, allowing the head to bow forward. Move between these two positions for a total of five breaths each.

Plant your feet firmly as wide as your hips. Inhale and reach your right arm up and over toward the left side. To help with balance, reach your left arm across your lap, grabbing your right leg or right side of the chair. Breathe into the right side of your body for three breaths, then come back to center, release and switch sides.

Sit sideways on the chair so the right side of your body is touching the back of the chair. Keep your feet flat on the ground at hip distance. Inhale and reach both arms toward the right and hold onto the chair. Exhale as you twist to the right, using the chair to help you twist further into the pose.

Keep your knees in line with one another (don't let the left knee come further forward than the right) and engage your abs to help maintain the integrity of the pose. Hold for three breaths, and switch sides.

Sitting upright with your feet on the ground as wide as your hips, slowly hinge forward at your waist. Fold forward and reach the chest toward the thighs or resting on the thighs. Drop your chin towards your chest and your arms and shoulders to fall in front of you. Allow the hands to reach toward the floor or rest on the floor. Hold for three breaths, and then slowly roll up.

Stand upright and face the chair. Bend at your waist and place your hands on the seat. Externally rotate your shoulders so that they move away from your ears and feel the stretch in your hamstrings and back. Hold for three breaths, then slowly stand upright to release.

Sitting in an upright position, cross your right thigh over your left tightly. If you are able, you may wrap the right foot around the left calf. Then, cross your left arm over the right arm, and bend at the elbows. Try to bring your palms to touch. Lift the elbows up as high as the shoulders without hunching the shoulders. Pull the shoulders down away from the ears. Hold for three breaths, unwrap and repeat in the opposite direction.

Sitting on the chair like you did for the twist, swing the left leg around behind you so that it's on the opposite side of the chair. Press down through your front right foot and press down through the outer edge of your back left foot. Pull your naval in toward your spine, and lift the arms up as high as the shoulders. Look over the right arm and hold for three slow breaths. Release and switch sides.

Start in the chair Warrior II pose outlined above. Slowly reach your right arm up toward the ceiling while letting the left arm lower toward your leg, resting on the left calf. Feel a stretch in the front of the right side, and hold for three breaths. Then switch sides.

Sit upright with both feet planted on the floor. Cross your left ankle over your right thigh, letting your left leg fall out to the side. Flex your left foot to protect the left knee. If you don't feel a stretch in your left glute, slowly hinge forward, bending toward your legs. Hold for three breaths, and then release and switch sides.

At the end of your practice, sit upright and relax your arms by your sides. Close your eyes and take 5 slow deep breaths to slow your heart rate and absorb the effects of your chair yoga practice.

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