APK Oasis

Easy way to export iOS notes content to text?

From Metafilter

Easy way to export iOS notes content to text?

I have resigned my job and will be turning in my work-issued iPhone XR on Monday. My departure is pleasant and I am on good terms with the former company. I would like to help them by exporting all my iOS notes to text files they process & store however they'd like. Ideally I could export this stuff to a Windows PC as text files and then zip it all up and email it to them. Is this doable without having a Mac or installing iTunes for Windows?

So far the only way I have thought of is to manually copy notes into Google Keep on the iPhone, then manually pull them out of Google Keep into text files on a Windows PC. I also have Linux machines available to use if there is something good there.

Additional context: I am not a Apple person and I don't have access to a Mac. I also have little knowledge of iOS or the Apple ecosystem beyond basic iPhone usage. iTunes will not be installed on any of my computers (I'll do the Google Keep copy+paste before I install iTunes). The information I will be preserving is details of technical installations I made over my time with the company: locations of hardware installations, network details, usernames and password of maintenance accounts at client sites, etc. The company is very very very small and there are no concerns about corporate policy or IT department rules. I am the IT department (well, I was.). I just want to make it a little easier on these folks to pick up the pieces after I'm gone.

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