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Couple Brings Their Baby With 104-Degree Fever On Plane To Avoid 'Wasting' Their $3,000 Vacation

From YourTango

Couple Brings Their Baby With 104-Degree Fever On Plane To Avoid 'Wasting' Their $3,000 Vacation

Just before a couple and their baby were set to fly to Thailand for a trip, the one-year-old spiked a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, indicating that he was severely ill.

Instead of canceling their trip to get their son necessary medical attention, the parents had other plans.

A couple of hours before Alina and her husband were supposed to board an 8-hour flight to Thailand, their one-year-old son suddenly developed a high fever.

In a TikTok video, Alina alleged that she and her husband considered canceling their flight for their baby's sake but ultimately decided that the trip was too expensive to call off.

"Our tickets would have been wasted, and the trip that cost us $3,000 would have been wasted," the mom wrote.

Alina claimed that the baby's temperature went down shortly before the flight and she hoped that he would sleep since it was during the night. However, once they boarded the plane, the baby was inconsolable.

Although she wrote that she and her husband were "very worried," they appeared to make no effort to alert the flight crew of their baby's health or recognize the severity of their situation. It's no surprise then that the comment section of Alina's video is filled with viewers calling her and her husband out on their reckless decision.

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"My son's health is worth more than any money or holiday! My son would be in a hospital, not on a flight," one TikTok user wrote.

It is recommended that parents call their child's pediatrician if their fever climbs to anything above 102 degrees. Most pediatricians would not advise parents to bring their sick baby on a trip to a foreign country.

"What if he had taken a turn for the worse and you were over 8 hours away from getting him help? Is a trip that important?" another commenter questioned.

Many online pointed out the many horrors that could have unfolded by bringing a sick baby with a high fever on a plane. He could have had a febrile seizure, had difficulty breathing, or even could have fallen asleep and never woken up.

However, even with a fever so high, Alina insisted that her child wasn't sick at all.

"Our baby wasn't sick; he was teething, and that's why he had a fever," Alina alleged. "This isn't the first time he's had this."

She insisted that her baby was in "no danger" and she had all of the necessary medications for him on hand. She also argued -- despite the hoards of commenters asserting otherwise -- that any parent in her situation would do the same.

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In another video, Alina revealed that she and her husband came down with an illness that she believed to be food poisoning. Many viewers were quick to draw a connection between their sickness and their son's high fever just a couple of days before.

Moreover, fevers during teething have been proven by medical professionals to be an old wives' tale. While your baby's body temperature may rise by a degree or two during teething, it should never reach 104 degrees. This indicates a more serious illness.

As a parent, you must recognize that your child's health is priceless and worth far more than any vacation. If you must cancel a trip to stay home and ensure that your kid gets the rest and fluids they need, then so be it. That's why investing in traveler's insurance is so important!

Not to mention that bringing a sick and contagious baby is incredibly inconsiderate to the rest of the passengers on board a plane who want to make it to their destination healthy.

No matter how much you are looking forward to your vacation, your children's health should always come first.

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