If you tend to give up your New Year's resolutions quickly, you're not alone. Many people give up on their resolutions very quickly, with a significant portion abandoning them within the first couple of weeks of January according to a Pew Research Center study.
In fact, 28% of adults said they have kept some of their resolutions, while 13% said they have kept none of them by the end of the month of January. About six-in-ten adults who made at least one resolution (59%) said they have kept them by the end of the month.
Are you using the New Year as a starting point for making changes in your life, routines, or outlook?
If so, how will you motivate yourself to keep your resolutions? How do you predict your efforts will go this year? What are some of your short- and long-term goals? Which of your habits will help you reach them?
Tell us by filling out the form or e-mailing us at [email protected], and your response may appear in a future Boston.com article.