St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement fall 2014. They have earned recognition on the president's list for a grade-point average of 4.0, or dean's list for a grade-point average of 3.5 to 3.9.
The following students have received the University of Wisconsin-Stout chancellor's award for the fall 2014 semester. The award is presented to students who have a grade-point average of 3.5 or above.
Courtney Smith, Dassel, Bachelor of Science health wellness and fitness
Daeshaundra Wadsworth, Hutchinson, Bachelor of Science dietetics
Barbara Young, Hutchinson, Bachelor of Science professional communication and emerging media
Hannah Lundquist, Lester Prairie, Bachelor of Fine Arts entertainment design, Bachelor of Science professional communication and emerging media
Cortney Hallahan, Silver Lake, Bachelor of Science hotel, restaurant and tourism
Austin Ludowese, Stewart, Bachelor of Science business administration
Concordia College, Moorhead, has announced the names of students whose superior academic achievement during the first semester of the 2014-15 academic year placed them on the dean's honor list. To qualify for this designation, students must carry a minimum of 12 semester credits and have a grade-point average of at least a 3.7 on a 4.0 scale.
Abby Jo Imberg, senior, daughter of Duane and Jeanette Imberg, Dassel
Philip Kuball, senior, son of Kent and Christine Kuball, Hutchinson
Mitchell Messner, senior, son of Keith and Stacy Messner, Hutchinson
Michael Waataja, junior, son of Jeff and Jill Waataja, Litchfield
Zachary Whitchurch, junior, son of David Whitchurch, Litchfield and Cheryl Whitchurch, Litchfield
Alexandria Technical and Community College recognizes the following students for academic excellence during fall semester 2014. Students named to the dean's list must have a 3.5 or higher grade-point average.
The academic high honor and honor lists (dean's lists) for the past fall semester at Minnesota State University, Mankato have been announced by Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Marilyn Wells. Among 3,046 students, a total of 735 students qualified for the high honor list by achieving a 4.0 straight "A" average, while 2,311 students earned a 3.5 to 3.99 average to qualify for the honor list. To qualify for academic honors, undergraduate students must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours for the semester.
Derek Bratsch, Glencoe, sophomore, high honor list
Vanessa Betker, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
Ashley Farenbaugh, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
DeDra Hogrefe, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
Monroe Julius, Hutchinson, freshman, high honor list
Thomas Lokensgard, Hutchinson, senior, honor list
Ashley Madson, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
Cassey Nielsen, Hutchinson, sophomore, honor list
Jenna Niles, Hutchinson, senior, honor list
Stephanie Steenhoek, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
Elisa Van De Steeg, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
Micah Van De Steeg, Hutchinson, sophomore, honor list
Jonathan Verdon, Hutchinson, senior, high honor list
Brooke Jilek, Lester Prairie, senior, high honor list
Amy Blazinski, Silver Lake, senior, high honor list
Melanie Nowak, Silver Lake, junior, honor list
Chad Thompson, Silver Lake, sophomore, high honor list
The following area students have been named to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities dean's list for the fall 2014 semester. To qualify for the dean's list, a student must complete 12 or more letter-graded credits while attaining a 3.66 grade-point average.
Miranda Berry, Brownton, junior, College of Education/Human Development
Kaylee Kruschke, Glencoe, junior, College of Liberal Arts
Taylor Mohr, Glencoe, sophomore, Carlson School of Management
Rochelle Brooks, Hutchinson, sophomore, College of Science and Engineering
Joshua Kamrath, Hutchinson, junior, College of Liberal Arts
Morgan Mittelsteadt, Hutchinson, senior, College of Food, Agriculture & Natural Resource Sciences
Gabrielle Montes, Hutchinson, junior, College of Liberal Arts
Jack Zheng, Hutchinson, sophomore, College of Liberal Arts
Rachel Heuer, Lester Prairie, sophomore, College of Biological Sciences
Zachery Jones, Silver Lake, freshman, Carlson School of Management
Cole Myers, Stewart, sophomore, College of Biological Sciences
Sadie Berg, Winsted, freshman, College of Liberal Arts
Alexandria Kahlert, Winsted, senior, Medical School
Riverland Community College has named Heidi Mattes of Hutchinson to its 2014 fall semester dean's list. To be eligible for the dean's list, students must have completed 12 credits per semester with letter grades and have earned a grade-point average of 3.25 to 3.99 on a 4.0 scale.
The following area students have been named to the University of Minnesota, Morris dean's list for the fall 2014 semester. To be eligible for the dean's list, students must achieve a grade-point average of 3.66 or higher while taking 12 or more credits, two-thirds of these credits on the A-F grading system.
The University of Minnesota Crookston has announced the following students named to the fall semester 2014 dean's list: